Portraits of Humanity

More than anything else, we are inspired by human stories—connection, community, the exchange of raw experiences. Portraits of Humanity seeks to capture and share the rawness and wholeness of being human. In a world enamored by busyness, we seek the slow moments where a sometimes simple interaction can change our entire course, wake us up, enrich us, teach us something, set our souls on fire. Through words, shared experiences, mutual observations, these are the stories of (re)connecting with people—and becoming more human in doing so.

His tattered jacket and weathered hands told of the countless miles and brush cleanings late in the evening after the

Once that sunk in, it wasn’t hard to see why Berber is not a welcomed term, though it is used

I would be lying if my original intention to fly across the world was to find God; it wasn’t. I

I would be lying if my original intention to fly across the world was to find God; it wasn’t. I

I would be lying if my original intention to fly across the world was to find God; it wasn’t. I

I would be lying if my original intention to fly across the world was to find God; it wasn’t. I

I would be lying if my original intention to fly across the world was to find God; it wasn’t. I

I would be lying if my original intention to fly across the world was to find God; it wasn’t. I

Like mother, like daughter, as they say—and like Jessie comes to realize in her reflections, years after beginning this journey

One of the most prominent reasons being Cheryl's relationship with the open road. Going through her journal entries in the

Cheryl's experience was no different than our own despite the generations between us. She had her fair share of whirlwind romances